Deadline: March 1st, 2025 11:59 PM EST

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INTRODUCTION:  to provide 1-year of funding (potentially renewable) to test new research idea(s) – entirely original areas of investigation for the investigator or a substantially new extension of previous work.  Proof-of-principle experimentation is one particularly relevant type of overall approach, but other approaches may be responsive.  Preliminary data are not required for a competitive submission. 

OVERALL RATIONALE: This mechanism is designed for faculty researchers seeking new research results through new/additional experimentation.  The ultimate goal is to create impactful preliminary data for new/revised grant applications to INBRE and external/non-INBRE sources, while at the same time jump-starting the collection of results leading to manuscript submissions.


ELIGIBILITY:  faculty engaged in biomedical research are eligible to apply. However, faculty who have received 5 years of funded research and/or pilot grant awards effective July 1, 2025, are eligible to apply only if they are proposing an entirely new research direction or of a substantially new extension of previously performed or proposed work.

APPLICATION:  Due March 1, 2025 (for activation no later than July 1, 2025)

Main components (further details far below):  2-page limit; text including preliminary data (no appendix) - though preliminary results are not required.  Note that collaborative grants are allowed/encouraged but awards will be made to only the applicant PI, via an RSTG supplement, see below.

Budget:  up to $20K (direct costs) maximum in $1K increments; up to 1.2 summer month PI salary support. Detailed budget required. The award will be directed to lead institute RSTG as a supplement to be used specifically for the Seed Grant:  e.g. to support additional student researchers, technicians, supplies, services for shared instrumentation, other research or presentation costs.

INBRE leadership mentoring/monitoring:  close periodic follow-up of INBRE leadership with project PI, research mentors (to be determined), and RSTG PI for assessment of adequate management of funding and achievement of interim progress.  INBRE LEADERSHIP IN CONSULTATION WITH THE ABOVE OVERSIGHT, RESERVES THE RIGHT TO TERMINATE SUPPORT IF PROGRESS IS INSUFFICIENT.

INITIAL PROPOSAL REVIEW/AWARD PROCESS:  Review by INBRE leadership, with possible ad-hoc expert consultation; EAC approval. INBRE leadership may recommend partial funding and/or a more limited scope of the work proposed, with potential commensurate decreases in the budget.


Items a - e together are limited to 2-pages; Items f - h are excluded from the page limit.

  1. Title
  2. Specific Aims and rationale for the work
  3. Brief background (with literature references)
  4. Key preliminary data – optional
  5. Experimental approaches in sufficient (but not extreme detail) necessary for assessment, expected results and how this will position the PI for submissions of grants and/or manuscripts
  6. NIH Biosketch for PI and any key co-Investigators or collaborators
  7. Letter from the RSTG PI/SC member relevant to the PI.
  8. References